• Life

    As Time passes

    I have to admit I was kind of stubborn in wanting to continue with making the apartment my home. And I’m happy to report I have made some advancements. Being a big believer of killing two birds with one stone it occurred to me to have the older boys help me, paint a few things/wall around the house and at the same time learn/teach them how to do these types of things. Needless to say these have been good times spent with the kiddos. On one of the first times they came to help, we were not able to do much in the house, so they ended up helping me…

  • Life

    God’s interruptions

    I was still “nesting”, like my Savhtah Louis calls it, (which is basically making a place your home) and happy just making dinners or breakfast for the kids as I was getting to know them, when God made an interruption. In late August we began to start receiving babies. Two newborn babies were sent to us and it seemed we might get more. Unfortunately, as it is common in ministry, there always seems to be lack of workers or resources. We didn’t have enough caregivers to receive anymore babies, so in a moment of courage I offered to take care of a baby if need be. A week later a…

  • Life

    Here to stay

    After a few weeks of being at the Ranch, I had an 8 year old ask me when I would be leaving. She did mention that it was not that she wanted me to go, but was just curious. We often have groups come and are here for a week or two and interns that stay for the summer, so it is understandable to see why she was asking. My response, “I’m here to stay, until God tells me to go”. On another occasion, another 8 year old girl wanted to make a deal with me to give her a necklace I was wearing when I left . She was…

  • Life

    Raramente muy normal (Oddly enough, very normal)

    A couple of weeks after moving to Rancho 3M, during a phone conversation with a few of my previous coworkers, whom I am privileged to also call friends, I was asked how I was feeling. My answer, “Raramente muy normal”. Another filled in the gaps or did better in explaining what I was trying to express. Basically that even though I had made such a drastic change, moved away, began a new job in a new home and everything was completely different it all felt normal instead of “raro” (weird). In a way, that feeling of feeling it all normal still takes me aback. That’s God’s grace. As I ponder…

  • Life

    God’s promise

    Later I’ll share more about my “sabbatical” and how that came to be. But I did want to jump into where I am now and how it came to be. But in order for me to do that I need to back track and share how God began to bring healing and guidance during the time I took off. It was shortly after arriving in Israel, as I was praying one morning the Lord led me to read Psalms 107. When I got to the following verses, it was as if it were describing me. 4 Some wandered in desert wastelands,    finding no way to a city where they could settle.5 They were…

  • Lessons

    My ongoing lesson

    Last night as I was trying to sleep little E (a baby girl I’m caring for), I put some music on YouTube and a song that I had sung almost daily for weeks, came on and reminded of that time. It was just right after a heartbreak and various disappointments, which were the catalyst for my re-evaluation of my life. My car had been in a crash so I was having to use public transportation to go to work. Just to paint the picture, my drive took me about 25 minutes. So you can just imagine how long the commute turned once I had to use public transportation. Not to…

  • Introduction

    Life’s lessons…God’s lessons

    Have you ever considered and/or reflected on the lessons God has given you as you go through life? To be honest, I don’t think I had done so, as much or as often as of late. I had gotten into a rhythm of living that was neither bad or as exciting as one envisions when a child. And it was in the midst of that type of life that God intervened and, in my view quite drastically, shook the carpet under my feet. Long story short, my loving Savior saw it fit to use a series of disappointments that led me to lay it all down and seek Him and…