
  • Life

    Raramente muy normal (Oddly enough, very normal)

    A couple of weeks after moving to Rancho 3M, during a phone conversation with a few of my previous coworkers, whom I am privileged to also call friends, I was asked how I was feeling. My answer, “Raramente muy normal”. Another filled in the gaps or did better in explaining what I was trying to express. Basically that even though I had made such a drastic change, moved away, began a new job in a new home and everything was completely different it all felt normal instead of “raro” (weird). In a way, that feeling of feeling it all normal still takes me aback. That’s God’s grace. As I ponder…

  • Life

    God’s promise

    Later I’ll share more about my “sabbatical” and how that came to be. But I did want to jump into where I am now and how it came to be. But in order for me to do that I need to back track and share how God began to bring healing and guidance during the time I took off. It was shortly after arriving in Israel, as I was praying one morning the Lord led me to read Psalms 107. When I got to the following verses, it was as if it were describing me. 4 Some wandered in desert wastelands,    finding no way to a city where they could settle.5 They were…