The gift of the French Press
A couple of months ago, when I finally knew the adoption was moving forward, I began getting a few things we would need once the kids moved in. One of the greatest lessons we can learn and experience in our walk with God is His Sovereignty. Be warned that I will constantly be mentioning it. It seems to be one of those attributes we KNOW yet easily forget when faced with challenges or uncertainties. Not that I was lacking anything for by God’s sovereignty and provision, I had all I needed. When it’s just you, you make do but now that that was changing there were a few things I would need. By God’s sovereign provision I did not have to worry about furniture for the kids’ room, God had already provided through a dear friend who was going to move and offered her furniture. It was exactly what we needed. He provided this even before we needed it, and part of me knows He did it before to show me He was in this with me. For at that time, I was waiting and seeking His guidance in the adoption process, and He provided even before I asked.
I began washing the new things that I had purchased in preparation for the new additions in my household. I had to reorganize a couple of my cabinets. As I reorganized, I also had to look for things I was not using any longer. Well, I had this broken French Press that was here in the apartment when I moved in. I loved that French Press, it reminded me of my Grandma Lois, plus I do enjoy a good cup of coffee- preferably daily. Though I do have a coffee maker, thanks to a dear friend who gave it to me, and now that I think about it she gave it to me exactly when the one I had stopped working. (See sometimes we become oblivious to the gifts God sends us at the perfect time). Anyway, as pathetic as it may seem and really I know it was not something big, yet it was hard for me to throw it in the trash. I still kept using it since it was still functional, but it would be dangerous to have it with my kids since they could cut themselves if the grabbed it without thinking. So I knew it had to go.
That afternoon when I had all the empty boxes and in them the French press that I had to throw away, a team that comes regularly had arrived and turns out they had gotten me a French Press. When I received it, I was so taken aback. My old one had not yet been completely thrown out, and in God’s sovereignty He was already giving me a new one! It may seem that I am putting too much emphasis on the gift, but I am not. What this French Press said to me was that even though I was having to get rid of things that were precious to me for the sake of my kids, my Beloved Savior was taking care of me. Even in something as silly as a French Press, which was NOT a necessity, but it was His way of showing His love and care for ME.
Not sure if I’ve mentioned it before, but sometimes the hardest thing of being single is that sense that you are all on your own. Don’t misunderstand, there is family and friends that are closer than a brother, but they are not right beside you. The decisions you make, even after getting their input, it’s you who has to make the decision and suffer its consequences. And then there are times in life you want your mother there, which makes her absence even more hard. In the last few years, by God’s mercy and grace, He has taught me to start looking to him to fill that place. And in those times, when I do feel all alone and having to make decisions I am learning to lean on Christ and trust Him as He leads. So in His Sovereignty He placed that desire on these people to get me a French Press. Apparently I had shared my story about my breaking the French Press and still using it. But that they would remember and make it a point to give me one and for them to arrive on the exact day I am getting rid of the old one and struggling in doing so. That is just God’s sovereignty in display and being present in those moments when I need Him most.
So now, every day when I look at my French Press I am reminded that Jesus loves and cares for me. Not only that, but that He is ever present and knows the things I love and He will care for me and our kids. Next time, it seems like a coincidence, hope you will reconsider and see that God’s sovereignty is at play. You will be constantly amazed at His goodness and provision when you rest and wait on Him. A tip, if I may, the more you seek to see those “coincidences” and recognize them as God’s hand at work, the more you will see Him move, love, encourage, and lead.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
Psalms 23:6
all the days of my life,
and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord